Help and support on savings
Let's make your money work
Find answers to all your questions about our savings account products, guides to saving and forms related to our accounts.
Useful Information
Find additional help and guidance with your savings
What is an Offshore Account?An offshore, or overseas, bank account is one that you have in a country that you do not reside in. Skipton International offshore accounts allow you to make and receive payments, hold money and set up savings accounts in Sterling and US Dollar currencies.
Why an Offshore Bank Account?There are many reasons why customers require an offshore bank account in UK sterling, Skipton explains why.
Maximise your SavingsWhether you’re starting out in your career, bringing up a family, or thinking of future retirement, your savings needs change at each stage of your life. Skipton has provided help and guidance for your future planning.
How to achieve your savings goalsHow to achieve your savings goals at Skipton International. Here are some top tips to help you get the most our of your money.
Offshore Savings GlossarySkipton International offshore savings glossary for all words associated with Offshore Savings on our website, to give our customers an understanding.
How to apply for an Offshore or Expat Savings AccountLearn how to apply for one of our Offshore / Expat Savings Accounts either online or via traditional methods.
Withdrawn and closed individual product accountsOffshore Interest rate details for Skipton International's withdrawn and closed accounts. The below individual savings products have been withdrawn for New businesses.
Country limitationsThis page shows a list of countries that are not supported by Skipton International's Offshore Savings products - Country Limitations.
Sterling Bank Transfer DetailsIf you wish to transfer funds to us by electronic transfer your bank will require the following information.
Bereavement GuidanceBereavement is the experience of losing someone important to us. See how Skipton International will help you get through this tough time.

Start saving with Skipton
New customers can complete our simple online offshore savings application form