Rental Calculations
5-Year fixed rate
125% at pay rate for five-year fixed products
110% available on selected deals (please note this is not available for Limited Company Lending. If you choose a 3-Year fixed rate rental income is required to be 125% at the stress rate currently 7.24%.
To enable your client to take advantage of the 110% at pay rate on the 5 year fixed, they need to meet the following criteria.
- Loan amount to be a minimum size of £200,000.
- For a sole applicant minimum gross basic salary is £100,000, if joint application then gross basic salary needs to be no less than £140,000.
- Unsecured debt to income ratio not to exceed 20%.
- One loan at 110% per personal client, please note this is not available for Limited Company Lending (SPV). Any other mortgages to be stressed at the standard 125%.

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