Guernsey’s property doors are open

Following the move into Phase One of Guernsey’s lockdown exit, Skipton International, the Guernsey-licensed bank and mortgage lender, would like to advise islanders that property viewings and valuations can now once again take place, and that the local property market is very much open for business.
In line with the States of Guernsey protocols, the Skipton mortgage team is still working remotely, but there are numerous ways in which anyone seeking a mortgage on a Guernsey property can apply. Appointments can be held via Zoom meeting, telephone calls can still be undertaken, and items can still be posted to Skipton’s offices in Le Bordage, St Peter Port.
Business Development Manager, Roger Hughes, said: “It’s exciting that property viewings can now take place again, under strict criteria, and property purchases can now recommence.
“Valuations are now able to take place under Covid guidelines, and we are looking forward to seeing the local property market active once again, especially now that spring is almost upon us – historically the most popular time to move house.
“Anyone who wishes to find out how much they can afford for their dream Guernsey home can contact the Skipton mortgage team on 734000 to find out more, or visit the handy online mortgage calculator at:”
If you are a journalist requiring more information about Skipton International please contact Julie Todd, PR Manager. Email your queries to or call +44 (0) 1481 734002