Skipton Swimarathon announces dates for 2024

The Skipton Swimarathon will be taking place between Wednesday 2 October and Sunday 6 October 2024 at Beau Sejour leisure centre in Guernsey.

Organisers are asking anyone interested in taking part to start considering putting their team together, whether friends, family, or work colleagues, and to mark the date in their calendar.

The popular fundraiser is a Guernsey tradition organised jointly by the Lions Club of Guernsey and Guernsey Round Table, supported by longtime sponsors, Skipton International.

Groups of families, friends and corporate participants book a lane for a one-hour period, and swim, paddle or walk in relay to raise funds for the chosen beneficiary, which is always a local charity.

The main 2024 charitable beneficiary will be announced shortly.



Jo Cottell, CEO, said: "We are very grateful for the fantastic donation we received from the Skipton Swimarathon. As an independent mental health charity, all our services are funded through donations and fund raising and the money will be used to support the people of the Bailiwick, encouraging a positive attitude towards mental health and supporting mental wellbeing. We are currently developing a number of exciting projects including the launch of our Workplace Partnership and our new supported self-help programme, so this could not have come at a better time. Thank you to everyone who supported the Swimarathon."


Lou Leale, CEO, said: “We had a great time supporting the Swimarathon and really got into the spirit of things by entering a team! We are so thankful to be one of the beneficiaries of last year’s event, the money raised will be spent on resources for our youth clubs and targeted groups to help us raise young people’s awareness of mental health issues, reducing stigma, signposting and also offering support when needed. It will also be used to provide workshops within our services and within schools related to mental health, where we can offer advice and support on topics such as stress management, resilience, and self-care.”

Full details can be found at: