Oxygen Therapy provided by Skipton Community Fund

Skipton International’s Community Fund has awarded £1,500 to Jersey’s Oxygen Therapy Centre, allowing them to purchase a new Oxygen Concentrator.
The Trinity-based charity assists those with illnesses such as Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia and M.E. by supplying much-needed oxygen.
It has been a tumultuous time at the centre over the past few months. Last week the volunteers had to rely solely on the Concentrator to provide oxygen therapy sessions due to an issue with a piece of equipment, and this was the only way to continue support.
Skipton International’s Jersey Manager, Lorraine McLean, commented: “The Skipton Community Fund always likes to support smaller, lesser known good causes within the Channel Islands, and I am so pleased this support has been given to the Jersey Oxygen Therapy Centre. The work they do within the community is much appreciated by those for whom these debilitating illnesses have struck, and anything that improves their quality of life is so worthwhile.”
The Centre’s Tori Drucker said: “Skipton International very kindly donated £1,500 to the Oxygen Therapy Centre to support the purchase of an Oxygen Concentrator. The charity wanted purchase a Concentrator so that we could start an outreach service, and to provide Oxygen Therapy to anyone unable to make use of our Barochamber, and it has become an integral part of our service.
“We now have new clients attending the Centre due to their ability to make use of the Concentrator, and are seeing improvements in their conditions and quality of life, which is owed to the generosity of Skipton International. The Concentrator also provides a vital backup to our Barochamber in case of any issues preventing it from running, as our clients are still able to access Oxygen Therapy during any down time we experience for maintenance.”
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