Time to sign up for the Skipton Swimarathon

Registration for the 2017 Skipton Swimarathon is now open and the committee is inviting individuals, clubs, families, groups and businesses to register their team for this year’s event.
The Bailiwick’s largest fundraising event returns to Beau Sejour from Wednesday 4to Sunday 8 October.
Nick Guillemette, Chairman of the Skipton Swimarathon, said: “Registration is now open. We look forward to welcoming both new and old supporters for the 2017 Skipton Swimarathon. After donating money to 40 charities for the 40th Anniversary we are excited to start supporting the Guille-Allès Children’s Library Project for this year’s event.”
Trustees of the Guille-Allès Children’s Library Project plan to create an imaginative space for children to learn away from a formal educational environment. The Skipton Swimarathon has signed up as the first beneficiary for the project.
Aaron Walden, Commercial Manager, Skipton International, said: “The great thing about the Skipton Swimarathon is that anyone can take part. We encourage all swimmers to register for the event and start filling their sponsorship forms so we can raise as much money as possible for the Guille-Allès Children’s Library Project.”
Since its launch, the Swimarathon has generated over £1,385,000 for Bailiwick charities, making it the Island’s largest community fundraising event.
Swimmers can easily register for the event on: https://www.swimarathon.org/login